Shorin-Ryu Karate-Do
Terms :
Age tsuki - rising punch
Age uke - rising block
Anata wa - and you?
Antei - balance
Arigato gozaimasu - thank you
Ashi - leg
Ashi baral - leg sweep
Atama - head
Ato de - Later
Bo - Six foot staff (Weapon)
Bojutsu - Art of the Bo
Bunkai - The application of a move in a kata
Bushi - Warrior
Bushido - Way of the warrior
Chudan - Middle area
Chudan uke- Middle block
Dachi- Stance
Dai (Dai Ichi)-Number
Dai (Passai Dai)-Greater, major
Dai sempai-Most senior student
Dan-Black belt rank
Deashibarai- Forward foot sweep
Denwa -Telephone
Do -The way or path
Doita shimashite-You are welcome
Dojo-Place to train
Domo arigato gozaimasu -Thank you very much
Dozo- Please
Ee-EH, wah-KAH-ree-mah-sehn-No, I don’t understand!
Ee-KEE-mah-shoh- Let’s go!
Eku- Oar (Weapon)
Fukyu- Fundamental, basic
Fumi komi- Stomping (kick)
Gedan- Lower area
Gedan uke-Lower block
Genki desu- I am fine
Geri- Kick
Gi- Karate uniform
Go-Hard or #5
Gyaku tsuki-Reverse punch
Hachiji dachi- Open stance
Haishu-Back of hand
Haisoku- Instep of foot
Haito-Ridge hand
Hajime- Begin
Hanshi- Grand Master
Hara- Abdomen, center of Ki
Hayaku- Quickly
Heiko dachi-Parallel stance
Heisoku dachi-Closed foot stance
Hiji- Elbow
Hiji- Elbow smash
Hiza- Knee
Ikaga desu ka- How are you?
Ima- Now
Ippon ken- One knuckle fist
Itchoku sen-Straight line
Jiyu kumite- Free style sparring
Jo- Four foot staff
Jodan-Upper area
Jodan uke- Upper block
Ju-Soft or the #10
Judan-10th Degree Black Belt
Jutsu- Art
Kakato- Heel of foot
Kake geri- Hook kick
Kama-Sickle (Weapon)
Kamae-Fighting stance
Kansetsu- Knuckles
Kara- Empty
Karate- Empty hand
Karate do- The way of the empty hand
Kata-Predetermined form
Keage- Snap (kick)
Keiko-Practice drill
Kekomi- Thrust (kick)
Kiai- Spirit shout
Kiba dachi-Horse riding stance
Kihon- Basic
Kin geri- Groin kick
Kiotsuke -Attention
Kobudo- Ancient martial ways
Kobujutsu-Art of ancient weapons
Kokegi- Attacher
Kohai- Junior
Koko- Here
Kokoro-Mind, heart, spirit, feeling
Kokutsu dachi-Back stance
Konban wa- Good evening
Konnichi wa-Good afternoon, hello
Koroshi waza- Killing technique
Kosa dachi- Cross-legged stance
Koshi- Hips, ball of foot
Kudasai- Please, give me the favor of
Kumite- Practice fighting
Kuzushi- Leverage
Kyobu- Chest
Kyoshi- Karate master title (7th & 8th Degree)
Kyu- Non black belt rank
Kyushu jutsu-The art of striking vital points
Ma- Distance
Maai- Individual distance
Mae- Front
Mae geri- Front kick
Makiwara- Punching board
Matte- Wait
Mawashi geri- Round house kick
Migi -Right
Migikae tsuki- Jab punch
Mikazuki geri- Crescent kick
Modotte- Return to ready position
MOH ee-chee-doh, oh-NEH-gah-ee shee-mahs?- Could you repeat it please?
Mokuso- Quiet meditation
Mokuso owari- Meditation over
Morote uke- Augmented block
Mudansha- Kyu rank holder
Mushubi dachi- Open foot, attention stance
Nage waza- Throwing technique
Nagore- Deep breathing
Naihanchi dachi- Iron horse stance
Naisan- Man, Women, boy or girl
Nan-jee-dehs-ka?- What time is it?
Narra be nassai- Line up
Neko ashi dachi- Cat leg stance
Nidan geri -Double kick
Nihongo- Japanese language
Nuhite- Spear hand
Nunchaku- Flail (Weapon)
O-hayo gozaimas- Good morning
O-negai shimasu-Teach me, please
O-yasami nasai- Good night
Ot tsuki- Lunge punch
Owari mastah- Over, finished
Rei-Bow, courtesy
Renshi- Highest teacher
Renshu- To study
Ryu-School or system, way
Ryukyu-The archipelago, known as Okinawa
Sai- Truncheon (Weapon)
Sanchin dachi- Hour glass stance
Sashi buri desu ne- Long time no see
Sayonara-Good bye
Seiken- Forefist
Seiken tsuki- Straight punch
Seiza- Formal sitting posture
Sempai- Senior student
Senaka- Back of body
Sensei -Teacher, Instructor
Shiai- Match, contest
Shihan-Master instructor
Shiko dachi -Split or square stance
Shin ken- Serious
Sho- Small, minor
Shomei- Front central area of dojo
Shomen- Front
Shomen ni rei-Bow to the front
Shuto- Knife hand
Soto uke- Outside middle block
Shurey no kuni- The country that keeps respect (On our patch)
Tabemono- Food
Tai- Body
Tai sabaki- Body shifting
Takai- Expensive
Talso- Exercise
Tameshi wara- Breaking
Tatami -Straw floor mat
Tate- Standing, vertical
Tate tsuki- Vertical fist punch
Te- Hand
Teisho-Palm heel
Tettsui- Hammer fist
Tobi geri- Jump kick
Tonfa- Handle (Weapon)
Tsuyoki-Strong spirit
Tuite waza- Grappling hand technique
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Uchi- Strike
Uchi uke- Inside middle block
Ude -Arm
Uke -Defender, block
Ura tsuki- Inverted punch
Uraken- Back fist
Ushiro geri- Back kick
Wah-KAH-ree mahs KAH?- Do you understand?
Waza -Technique
Yakusoku kumite- Predetermined sparring
Yame- Stop
Yasashee- Easy
Yasui- Cheap
Yasunde- Relax
Yoi -Ready
Yoko- Side
Yoko geri- Side kick
Sensei - Teacher
Shihan - Teacher of Teachers (Master)
Soke - Originator, headmaster
Sempai - Senior student
Kohai - Junior student
Karateka - Student of Karate
Kumaete - Assume a ready position
Naotte - Relax or return
Seiza - Kneeling
Kihon - Basic
Kata - Form
Kumite - Engaged hands
Hadari - Left
Migi - Right
Bushido - "The way of the Warrior"
Kime - Focus Dojo - Training Hall or Place of the Way
Karate Do - Way of the Empty Hand
Yudansha - Black belt ranked students
Shomen - Front or head
Kai - Organization
Do Gi - Uniform worn in Karate
Hai - Yes
Iie - No
Hajime - Begin
Yama - Stop
Rei - Bow
Kiai - Sprit shout
Dan - Level or degree
Kyu - Grade below black belt
Zanshin - Alertness/awareness
Embusen - The footwork/pattern in kata
Tachi Rei - Standing bow to Sensei
Seiza - Sensei sits (formal sitting position), the class sits in seiza facing shomen and prepares for class. Head student (sempai) calls out:
Mokuso! This means "Close your eyes and Clear your mind!" After about a minute, the sempai student calls out:
Kaimoku! This means: "Open your eyes!"
Zarei - Next the class performs three zarei or sitting bows. The head student calls out:
Shomen ni rei! This means "Bow to the front of the dojo." After the class finishes this bow, the Sensei will turn around and face the class and the head student will call out:
Sensei ni rei! - This means "Bow to the Teacher!" As the class bows to the teacher, the teacher will return the bow. As each student bows, they recite "Onegaishimasu" which means "Please teach me!"
Otagai ni rei! - This means "Bow to each other!" Both the teacher and the students will bow to each other at the same time. This is to acknowledge that we are all students of the art of Karate Do.
At this point the Sensei will indicate that the class should stand up and practice will begin.
Age Uke - Upper block Kosa Uke - Cross arm block
Yoko Uchi - Forearm inward block Kote Uke - Back of the hand block
Yoko Uke - Forarm outward side block Kakiwake - Wedged block
Yoko Barai - Forearm outward side parry Gedan Barai / Harai Uke - Downward parry block
Wa Uke - Two arm circle block Ko Uke - Wrist block
Tsuki Uke - Thrust block Sashite - Inward sweeping palm block
Ninoude - Back of forarm inward block Kensasae Uke - Two hand outward block (open hand at fist)
Hijisasae Uke - Two hand outward block (closed fist at elbow) Tsukidome - Withdrawing forearm block
Kakete Uke - Hooking hand block Sukui Uke - Scooping block
Ura Uke - Inverted block (small circle with wrist Ukenagashi - Inward palm sweeping block
Shotei - Palm heel block Shuto Uke - Knife hand block
Gassho Uke - Praying hands block Hariyuki - Two knife hand pushing block
Seiken chudan tuski - center thrust Age tsuki - Rising thrust
Seiken Jodan tsuki - upper thrst Furi tsuki - round house thrust
Uraken uchi - back fist strike Ipponken - one knuckle thrust
Hariken tsuki - four knuckle thrust Nukite - spear hand
Tateken tsuki - verticle forefist thrust Morote tsuki - Two arm, two level thrust
Shuto uchi - knife hand strike Urashuto - Ridge hand
Kentsui uchi - hammer fist Shuho - back knuckles peaked hand
Hiji Waza
Elbow techniques
Hiji chudan ate - center elbow strike Hiji otoshi ate - downward elbow strike
Hiji age ate - rising elbow strike Hiji jodan ate - upper elbow strike
Hiji yoko ate - side elbow strike Hiji ushiro ate - rear elbow strike
Hiza Geri - Knee kick Yoko Geri - side kick
Chudan Geri - center kick Koshu Geri - Back heel kick
Jodan Geri - upper level kick Kakato Geri - Heel stomp
Soko Geri - Groin kick Ushiro Geri - Back kick
Sokuto Geri - knee joint kick Hizagaeshi - knee sweeping kick
Mawashi Geri - round house kick Fumioroshi - Toe stomping kick
Dachi Kata
Heisoku dachi - feet together Heiko dachi - Forward parallel
Musubi dachi - Open toed stance Zenkutsu dachi - forward stance
Namiheiko dachi - Parallel stance Kokutsu dachi - Back stance
Uchihachiji dachi - Toes inward Nekoashi dachi - Cat stance
Sotohachiji dachi - Toes outward Sanchin dachi - 3 Point stance
Shiko dachi - Sumo stance Kosa dachi - Cross leg stance
Five Way Spirit or path of Shito-Ryu Karate Do
1. Always remember the spirit of first beginning (Will)
2. Always be courteous (Morality)
3. Always give your best effort (Growth)
4. Always follow your heart (Common sense)
5. Always maintain harmony (Peace)
Japanese Terminolgy :
Agreement - Oss - Verbal acknowledgement of understanding.
Applications - Bunkai - (of Kata)
Attention stance - Heisoku Dachi - Feet are together and pointed straight forward.
Back - Ushiro -
Back fist - Uraken - "Back Knuckle" or fist.
Back kick - Ushiro Geri – Rear thrusting heel Kick.
Back of hand strike - Haishu Uchi -
Back of hand block - Haishu Uke -
Back of the arms block-Haiwan Uke -
Back Stance - Kokutsu dachi - A stance which has most of the weight to the back.
Ball of foot - Koshi -
Base of thumb strike - Keito Uchi -
Basic - Kihon - Basic, Fundamental.
Begin - Hajime - A command given to start a given drill, Kata, or Kumite.
Belly - Hara -
Belt - Obi -
Black - Kuroi -
Black belt holder - Yudansha -
Blue - Aoi -
Body - Tai -
Bow - Rei - "Respect".showing respect in Japanese culture by Bowing.
Break-fall techniques -Ukemi waza -
Breaking - Tameshiwari -
Breathing - Kyoku -
Brown - Cha-iroi -
Brown and White - Cha-iroi Ichi Shiroi -
Brown and Double White-Cha-iroi Ni Shiroi -
Chest - Mune -
Chop - Shuto - Strike using bottom edge of hand with hand open held rigid.
Collar - Eri -
Collar bone - Sakotsu -
Competition - Shiai - A match or a contest (Event).
Counter attack - Kaeshi -
Counter attack s/f sparring - Kaeshu Ippon Kumite -
Crescent Kick - Mikazuki geri -
Crossed-Leg Stance - Kosa dachi -
Distancing - Ma-ai - Proper distancing
Double Kick - Nidan geri -
Driving knee kick - Hizaken Geri - Strike driving the knee into the target.
Dropping - Otoshi -
Dropping elbow strike - Otoshi empi uchi - An elbow strike by dropping the elbow.
Ears - Mimi -
Elbow - Empi (Anatomical) - also known as Hiji
Elbow strike - Hiji Ate - Also referred to as EMPI UCHI.
Elbow block - Hiji Uke - A blocking action using the elbow.
Empty hand Kara Te - (Ancient - China Hand)
Etiquette - Reigi - Also referred to as REISHIKI.
Fast - Hayai -
Finger - Yubi -
Fist - Ken - Closed hand used for various strikes.
Five step basic sparring-Gohon Kumite -An attacker steps in five consecutive striking techniques.
Flying Side Kick - Yoko tobi geri -
Focus of Power - Kime -
Foot - Ashi -
Foot Sweep - Ashi Barai -
Foot Techniques - Ashi Waza -
Forefinger Knuckle - Hitosashi Ippon Ken -
Four finger spearhand thrust-Yonhon Nukite -
Forearm - Ude -
Forearm block - Ude Uke
Forward - Zenshin -
Forward fall/roll - Mae ukemi -
Forward Stance - Zenkutsu dachi -
Free Sparring - Jiyu Kumite -
Front - Mae -
Front Kick - Mae Geri-Kick with the ball of the foot impacting target parallel to the kicking leg.
Front leg kick - Mae ashi geri - Kicking with the front leg.
Front Snap Kick - Mae geri keage - Also referred to as MAE KEAGE.
Front Thrust Kick - Mae geri kekomi - Also referred to as MAE KEKOMI.
Front or top of head - Shomen - Also the designated front of a Dojo.
Fundamental - Kihon - Basic techniques.
Green - Midori -
Head - Atama -
Hair - Kami -
Hand - Te -
Hammer Fist - Kentsui - Also known as TETTSUI.
Hammer Fist Strike - Kentsui uchi - also TETTSUI UCHI
Heel Kick - Kakato Geri - Heel is used to strike rear of opponent.
Hips - Koshi -
Hooking block - Kage Uke -
Hooking hand - Kake-te - see also "Hook Block" or "Hooking Technique."
Hook Punch - Kagi Tsuki -
Hooking Technique - Kake-waza -
Inside block - Uchi Uke - Mid body block with an inside to outside
motion of the forearm.
Inside Roundhouse Kick -Uchi mawashi geri
Joined Hand Block - Awase Uke -
Jumping in punch - Tobi Tsuki -
Jump Kick - Tobi geri -
Karate Training uniform- Gi -
Kick - Geri -
Kneecap - Hizagashira -
Knee Kick - Hiza Geri - See Hizaken Geri.
Kneeling bow - Za-rei - Traditional Japanese bow from the kneeling position.
Kneeling position - Seiza - A proper sitting position. Sitting on one's knees.
Knife - Tanto - Short dagger or long knife, often used during seppuku.
Knife edge kick - Sokuto Geri - Kick performed with blade edge of foot.
Left - Hadari -
Level/Rank or Degree - Dan-Black Belt rank. Ranks under Black Belt are called KYU ranks.
Line Up - Saei Rei Tu -
Long staff - Bo -
Long staff techniques - Bojutsu -
Long sword - Katana - Japanese curved long sword.
Low block - Gedan Barai -
Low Forearm Block - Gedan Ude Uke -
Lower level - Gedan - The lower region of the body,usually from the hips down.
Lower level X block - Gedan Juji Uke -
Lunge Punch - Kizami Tsuki -
Martial arts - Bugei-
Martial scream - Ki Ai-Shout used to harmonise the body and energy.
Martial techniques - Bujutsu -
Master - Hanshi-An honorary title given to the highest Black Belt of an organisation.
Middle Finger Knuckle - Nakadaka ippon ken -
Middle level - Chudan-The torso and up to just below shoulder height.
Natural Position - Shizentai - The body remains relaxed but alert.
Neck - Kubi -
One attack semi free sparring - Jiyu Ippon Kumite -
One point - Ippon -
One step sparring-Ippon Kumite -An attacker makes one attack, defender counter-attacks.
Open hand -Kaisho - Blow delivered with the open palm.
Orange - Orenji -
Outer block - Soto Uke - Mid body block with an outside to inside motion of the forearm.
Palm heel - Teisho - Strike made with the palm or "heel" of the hand.
Point of jaw - Kachikake -
Pressing Block - Osae uke -
Pressure Point techniques-Kyusho waza -
Pull - Hiku -
Punch - Tsuki - A strike made with a closed fist using the knuckles
Purple - Murasaki -
Push - Osu -
Ready - Yoi -
Rear elbow strike - Ushiro empi uchi - Striking to the rear with the elbow.
Rearward - Koshin -
Receive/Receiver - Uke-A defensive motion made to deflect or stop an attack.
Red - Aka -
Reverse roundhouse kick-Ushiro Mawashi Geri -
Reverse punch - Gyaku Tsuki-Punch performed with the hand opposite the forward leg.
Right - Migi -
Rising - Age -
Rising Block - Age Uke -
Rising Punch - Age Tsuki (Zuki) -
Roundhourse kick - Mawashi Geri - Circular kick striking with the ball of the foot.
Roundhouse Punch - Mawashi Tsuki -
Roundhouse elbow strike-Mawashi hiji ate - "Circular Elbow Strike".
School - Ryu -
Senior student - Sempai -
Side - Yoko -
Side roundhouse elbow strike-Yoko mawashi empi uchi - Striking with the elbow to the side.
Side snap kick - Yoko geri keage -
Side thrust kick - Yoko geri kekomi -
Single finger spearhand-Ippon Nukite-A stabbing attack using the extended index finger.
Single knuckle fist - Ippon Ken-A fist made with one knuckle extended, usually the index .
Sleeve - Sode -
Slow - Joko -
Small, Minor - Ko -
Snap Kick - Keage - (Literally, Kick rising).
Solar plexus - Kyosen - (also Suigetsu).
Sole of foot - Ashi Ura -
Sparring - Kumite -
Spear hand strike - Nukite-A strike made with the open hand,thrusting forward with the tips of the fingers.
Spirit, Heart - Kokoro-In Japanese culture, the spirit dwells in the Heart.
Stance - Dachi -
Sternum - Kyototsu -
Stomach - Tomoe -
Stop - Yame -
Straddle stance Kiba Dachi - Stance with feet parallel and twice shoulder width apart.
Straight - Choku -
Straight punch - Choku Tsuki (Zuki) -
Striking - Atemi (Esp. pressure points.) Atemi Waza
Teacher - Sensei -
Technique(s) - Waza -
Temple - Kasumi -
Testicles - Kinteki -
Three Step Sparring - Sanbon kumite -
Throwing/take-down techniques-Nage waza -
Thrust Kick - Kekomi-( Literally, Kick Into/Straight).
Tibia - Kobore -
Toes - Ashi Yubi
Top of skull - Tento
Top of thigh - Mata -
Training - Keiko-The only secret to success in Karate.
Training Hall - Dojo-Place of the Way
Triple punch - Sanbon Tsuki -
Turn around - Mawat-te-A command given by the instructor for students to turn around.
Two finger spear hand - Nihon nukite-"stabbing" attack.
Upper level - Jodan - The upper section of the body, the head.
Uppercut - Ura zuki - An upper cut punch used at close range.
Upward Elbow Strike - Tate empi -
Vertical - Tate -
Vertical Punch - Tate zuki - A fist punch with the palm along a vertical plane.
Wait - Matte -
Way - Do -
Way of the warrior - Bushido -
White - Shiroi -
Wooden sword - Bokken -
Wrist - Te Kubi -
Wrist Joint - Koken -
Wrist joint block - Kakuto uke - Also known as KO UKE.
Wrist joint strike - Kakuto uchi - Also known as KO UCHI.
‘X’ block - Juji Uke - Block with both forearms crossed.
Number (English) Number (Japanese)
1 Ichi
2 Ni
3 San
4 Shi ( Or Yon )
5 Go
6 Roku
7 Shichi ( Or Nana )
8 Hachi
9 Ku (Or Kyu)
10 Ju
11 Ju Ichi
12 Ju Ni
13 Ju San
20 Ni Ju
21 Ni Ju Ichi
22 Ni Ju Ni
23 Ni Ju San
30 San Ju
31 San Ju Ichi
32 San Ju Ni
33 San Ju San
40 Yon Ju
50 Go Ju
60 Roku Ju
70 Nana Ju
80 Hachi Ju
90 Kyu Ju
100 Hyaku
101 Hyaku Ichi
102 Hyaku Ni
200 Ni Hyaku
300 San Hyaku
1,000 Sen
2,000 Ni Sen
3,000 San Sen
10,000 Man
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